You can mail a check made out to “In the Undertow” and send it through snail mail to:
In the Undertow
463 Pooler Pkwy #375
Pooler, GA 31322
With checks, there are no fees and 100% of what you send goes directly to us.
You can also give through Zelle using the email address:
This is another form of giving that has no fees, and 100% of what you send goes directly to us, into our bank account within moments.
The 3rd way to give is through PayPal (see below on this page) using the link found at:
Unfortunately, with PayPal, we do pay a 2.89% fee on all contributions.
In any occasion where you have a question or comment, feel free to reach out and let us know. You can reach us through Whatsapp. It is a very easy app to use and connect internationally only using your wifi.
Enter the numbers as they appear here:
Paul's Number - +504.9958.6642
Office Number - +504.9810.0432
When contributing financially, take a moment and download this form to read and agree with. Make a copy and mail it back to us at the provided address. Thank you for being a part of our family!
Committment to Sponsors (1) (pdf)
DownloadYour support and contributions will enable us to continue moving forward. Thank you in advance!
In the Undertow
In the Undertow 463 Pooler Pkwy #375 Pooler, GA 31322 US
Copyright © 2019 In the Undertow - All Rights Reserved.